The Ultimate in Room Decor for Any Bedroom Magically Appears When the Lights Go Out at Night!
Accurate, 'Planetarium Quality' Star Murals Emitting Real Light (From Our Closest Star)! Ideal For Bedrooms (and entertainment room) Ceilings!

Turn the lights out at night and watch your ceiling magically come alive with real twinkling stars, comets and the Milky Way! (We promise not to paint your ceiling black, Ha-Ha!)
We also specialize in STAR PORTALS (mini murals)
These are simulated examples. A 6-foot diameter Star Portal (above) and can be installed in just a few hours. Your ceiling looks completely normal during the day but the stars are visible all night long in a darkened room. You will get in-door stargazing enjoyment for years and years once installed.
Romantic! * Stress Relieving! * Watch TV in the dark!
Put Your Headphones on and Listen To Your Favorite Music!
Again, in the daytime this ceiling looks normal but at night when the lights go out it will look like the roof was lifted away and you are looking up at the night sky!
Star Mural and Star Portal Ceilings are great for:
* Kids rooms (gets them in bed early!)
* Teens rooms
* Grown ups rooms (romantic evenings, stress-relieving, sleep better!)
* Home theatres
* Hotels, Motels, Saunas, Bed and Breakfast Inns and More!
* Totally safe and non-toxic!
* We can add comets, space ships, fairies, etc.
What's on Your Ceiling at Night When You Are Wanting To Fall Asleep?
Try One of Our Sleep Portals and/or Star Murals and Finally Get a Good Night's Sleep!
In-door stargazing quiets the mind (slips into alpha mode) so you can drift off peaceably.
Super-Realistic, 3-D Virtual Planetarium Star Mural and Star Portal Ceilings Now Available in your town and Surrounding Areas!
Enjoy the Benefits of In-Door Star Gazing!

When The Lights Go Out The Wonders of Star Light Begin!

I can also add The Milky Way, Nebula Clouds, and Comets!
(Sleep under the stars and Get a good night's sleep!)
==> Call TODAY for a FREE No-Obligation Estimate
and QUICK in-home demonstration! <==
PLUS, Get a FREE Mystery Gift just for taking a quick look!
Call: Lee Cusano 251-285-7504
8611 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd. S., Lot 29B, Grand Bay, AL 36541
(Official Sci-Fi Ceilings PRO Painter of Lights)
Dear Friend,
My name is Lee Cusano and I am located in Grand Bay, AL).
I am a retired painting business owner who now specializes in painting realistic-looking Star Mural Ceilings that are not only accurate and constellation-correct but can only be seen at night when the lights are out or in a well-darkened room.
I use a special non-toxic paint that costs over $500 a gallon (I only need to use an ounce or two per ceiling) to create breathtaking night skies like the ones that can only be seen high in the mountains far away from civilization.
If you've ever heard of decorative wall murals this is a decorative stargazing ceiling mural (can be added to walls also) that is totally inter-active with the human eye (try that with any regular wall or ceiling mural. They are DEAD but an Amazing Star Mural is ALIVE with pure stored energy)!
Your bedroom, game room, home theater (or any ceiling) looks normal during the daytime but at night when you go to bed and turn the lights out the ceiling magically comes alive with thousands of stars. Realistic stars that actually twinkle and more!
Imagine turning your lights out at night and viewing an awesome night sky full of stars as if you were high on top of Mount Everest. The view is so breathtaking that you forget about everything else.
Let us show you how you can have a beautiful, custom, hand-painted star mural ceiling for your bedroom, entertainment room, etc. that will last for years.
Ceilings look normal during the daytime, but at night when you turn your lights off and go to bed, the room magically comes alive with an amazing re-creation of the night sky like you may have not seen in a long time!
THE MAGIC STARTS when the LIGHTS GO OUT! Relaxing! Romantic! Educational! Makes a Great Gift!
==> Call TODAY for a FREE No-Obligation Estimate
and QUICK in-home demonstration! <==
PLUS, Get a FREE Mystery Gift just for taking a quick look!
Call: Lee Cusano 251-285-7504
8611 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd. S., Lot 29B, Grand Bay, AL 36541
(Official Sci-Fi Ceilings PRO Painter of Lights)
It's a great way to get your young ones to go to bed early and teens as well as adults love star murals as well!
I love the twinkling stars effect. It make me fall asleep.
When the lights go out the magic begins!
I can add constellations, spaceships or anything sci-fi and more.
FACT: Did you know that because of large cities a thing called "light pollution" is everywhere? You can no longer see most of the stars in the sky on a clear night anymore.
As a matter of fact, we probably don't see 90% of the stars anymore that are naturally visible unless you go deep up into Canada, way out west or high up somewhere in the Himalayas away from any cities.

Light Pollution blocks out over 90% of the stars and even the Milky Way
A friend wrote me recently and said...
Hi Lee,
You know how it is when you see something all
the time but don't really "see" it?
Whether it's the artwork on your walls, the
mess in the closet, the beautiful flowers in
your yard, your child's smile... you become
so used to seeing them that you stop seeing them.
During that blackout in Michigan several years
ago I couldn't use the computer or watch TV so I
stepped outside.
I looked up at the sky and saw the stars; it was
like I was looking at stars for the first time.
I spent a lot of time just gazing at them and
immersing myself in the wonder of it all. It
almost seemed like a luxury.
The stars are always there but it took an
unexpected event to make me really see them.
It takes a complete BLACKOUT to be able to see all the stars at night sky anymore. City lights have blocked the natural beauty of STAR LIGHT that took over 100 light years to reach us.
Everyone loves the stars. We are drawn to them. It's woven into each of us to have a natural curiosity and fascination for the stars because God made them!
* Kids and teens love stars on their ceilings. Because of this, it's a perfect way to get them to go to bed early!
* Adults love stars too. Many people claim they get a good nights sleep because of the calming effect of having the stars to look at.
* Sleeping under the stars can also be romantic!
* God put the stars in the sky to show us His handiwork!
Now you can turn your bedroom ceiling into a beautiful night time sky full of stars just like a planetarium, even this week.
Amazing Star Murals are interactive just like the real night sky because we paint with real stored energy called light!
Our special paint contains microscopic light crystals that emit stored light all night long from our daytime sun.
We can put a constellation-correct star mural on any ceiling in your home. The stars will glisten all night long 'til dawn's early light!
* Star murals are interactive. During the daytime your ceiling looks normal. But at night your ceiling magically comes alive with beautiful stars that actually twinkle a bit! And some even seem to jump out at you at times!
* Stars, Constellations, UFO's, Shooting Stars, the Milky Way, Comets and More are all possible to have on any ceiling of your choice.
Price Discounts for Additional Ceilings!
We offer...
* Full Ceiling Murals
* Sleep Portals (smaller murals for over the bed)
Try One of Our "Sleep Portals" and Finally Get a Good Night's Sleep!
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!
==> Call TODAY for a FREE No-Obligation Estimate
and QUICK in-home demonstration! <==
PLUS, Get a FREE Mystery Gift just for taking a quick look!
Call: Lee Cusano 251-285-7504
8611 Grand Bay Wilmer Rd. S., Lot 29B, Grand Bay, AL 36541
(Official Sci-Fi Ceilings PRO Painter of Lights)
==> Interested in starting your own local AmazingStarMurals business? CLICK HERE! <==
